I designed The RxStar Detox Program to make it fun and easy to be healthy. It evolved from my experiences working with rock stars that were living life on the road. They needed to be healthy in order to perform well, but their lifestyle was hectic and constantly changing. Later in my career, I discovered that my patients had similar challenges; they struggled to stay healthy within their demanding, busy schedules. They would ask me to help them understand some complicated programs that they found in books or on websites. They found these programs to be difficult to adapt to their real daily life, with some instructions being hard to implement. As a result, I saw many frustrated patients give up on these programs before they were completed, and often they would go right back to their previous habits. They rarely saw long-term gains. It can’t be that good for you if you can’t follow it, right?

I was certain it didn’t have to be this difficult. I listened to my patients and knew I needed to create a program that was easy to follow and integrate into the real world. After all, if a Rockstar could do my detox, then just about anyone could!
Health is not a destination, it’s a spectrum that you live on. Sometimes you feel really healthy and sometimes you have setbacks. I developed the RxStar Detox program to help you find balance between the demands in your life and nourishing your soul. In three short weeks, my detox program will kickstart you back to health and the effects will be long lasting. Ultimately, my health recommendations will naturally become healthy habits without making you feel like you’re following a program.
My 21-Day Program goes beyond improving your diet and taking supplements. For three weeks you will focus on what you really want in your life in terms of health, relationships, and spirituality. You’ll have to make space for these things by letting go of the unwanted parts of your life that are holding you back from your greatness. As you progress, the rewards will be so fulfilling that you will no longer feel like you are sacrificing anything.

There are four main stages that you will address.
1 STAGE ONE The most impactful change for people is to clean up their diet and make better food choices. This can be the hardest challenge for some people, depending on their typical diet. But don’t worry, I’m not going to ask a steak and potato guy to go totally vegan! But you will step up the quality of foods that you eat, plus incorporate a delicious detox shake that supplies key nutrients to detox.
In Stage One you will choose one of the 4 Programs of Eating:
2 STAGE TWO is to detox your body, which includes exercising to eliminate toxins through sweat and eliminating stress with some body therapies. There is nothing strenuous about these exercises and many are quite enjoyable.
Stage Two involves incorporating:
- Fitness and Exercise that is Detox focused
- Body Treatments and Therapies to support Detoxing

3 STAGE THREE focuses on your mind. This isn’t typically included in a detox program, but I find that once your brain is on board with the program, the “new” healthy practices easily become habit. We will explore mindfulness, meditation and other mental and emotional releasing.
Stage 3 Involves techniques and practices that help you “Free your Mind and Spirit”.

4 STAGE FOUR you will detox your home and lifestyle. As you cleanse, you will become more sensitive to the synthetic fragrances and chemicals in your house and other sources of lifestyle toxins. Naturally, you will want to use non-toxic products. We will also focus on lifestyle habits to incorporate into your life.
Stage Four involves Lifestyle Protocols to Detox:
- Office
- Home
- Cleaning Products
- Beauty Products
- Technology

The foundation of my detox program starts with eating healthy foods and drinking The RxStar Detox Shake. The shake will replace at least one of your meals, depending on which program you choose, but I guarantee you’ll find it to be filling and satisfying so you won’t feel deprived. The shake provides the nutrients, protein, fiber, and probiotics to support the liver’s detox efforts and keep your intestinal system happy and healthy.
There is a lot of confusing information out there about diet and food choices. I break it down and give you some simple principles to follow to make it easy. My book, The Rockstar Remedy contains charts with the different food categories and lists what you should and shouldn’t eat. I understand that everyone has their own standards about what they consider “healthy,” so my program takes into account where you are and where you want to go. You still get to eat delicious foods, you can still eat out at restaurants, and you don’t have to give up your favorite foods. I promise that you don’t have to restrict calories, you won’t starve, and you won’t be miserable. Food is one of the fun parts of life, and I want you to enjoy it!
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s learn about the Benefits of the Detox.