Dr. Gabrielle Francis has been practicing natural medicine for more than thirty-five years. She is a Naturopathic Doctor, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, and Licensed Massage therapist. Gabrielle practices in New York City as The Herban Alchemist. She also operates Backstage Alternative, which is her natural medicine road show that provides chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, nutrition and herbal remedies to performing artists on tour.
- As a holistic physician, Dr. Francis believes in the healing powers of nature. She follows the principles of Naturopathic Medicine, Functional Medicine, Chiropractic, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, all of which place emphasis on treating the individual and finding the cause of disease, not merely treating symptoms.
- By restricting the size of her practice, she is able to devote more time to customized treatment, long-term education, and health maintenance to each individual patient. She believes “It is better to know the patient that has the disease than the disease a patient has.”
- In her practice, Dr. Francis adheres to the Philosophy and Principles of Naturopathic Medicine:
- The Healing Power of Nature
- Identify and Treat the Cause
- First Do No Harm
- Doctor as Teacher
- Treat the Whole Person
- Prevention
- Gabrielle is the author of “The Rockstar Remedy: A rock ‘n’ roll doctor’s prescription for living a long, healthy life”. As a holistic doctor to many of the music world’s elite, she has helped some of the biggest names in rock look and feel great, despite an exhausting lifestyle that both demands discipline and welcomes indulgence. In her best-selling book, she uses the platform of Rock ‘n’ Roll to carry the torch, showing music fans and party lovers around the world that it is possible to maintain a high-octane enjoyable lifestyle—and be healthy too.
- Gabrielle and her husband are Founders of Moroccan Elixir, a Beauty Brand that works with Women’s Co-Operatives in Morocco to produce high quality organic cosmetic products. Truly Beauty Beyond Borders!
- Dr. Francis is a Medical Expert and Advisor for Love Wellness, Women’s Health Products.
Dr. Francis is a Medical Advisor and Expert for Veracity Selfcare, a root cause metabolic health platform that provides clinically-backed and drug-free solutions that support energy and weight management.