Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Oriental medicine is based on the principles of balancing qi, believed to be the vital life force that shapes all living beings. The Five Elements describes the dynamic state of qi and the interconnectedness of all the systems. It provides guidance for creating balance and harmony to restore health.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
TCM approaches medical diagnoses differently than Western Medicine. It examines the energetic constitution of a person by evaluating organ systems and meridians (pathways for life-energy, or “qi”). It uses Eastern principles of yin/yang and the Five Elements. Tongue analysis and pulse evaluation are used for TCM examination. The goal of TCM is to reach a balance of systems to resolve a disease state.
- Acupuncture
This treatment from the TCM health system is several thousand years old. Fine, sterile needles are inserted into specific points on the meridians (energy channels) to improve the flow of qi and restore balance. Acupuncture helps the body maintain homeostasis and equilibrium and is very effective for pain control.
- Auricular Therapy
Auricular therapy is acupuncture of the ear, where there are specific points that correlate to different organ systems and body parts. It may be used alone or in conjunction with acupuncture.
- Detox Acupuncture
The use of Auricular (ear) acupuncture points can be used to assist in detox and withdrawal from addictive substances including drugs, alcohol, nicotine and food.
- Cupping
Glass cups with suction are placed over the acupuncture points or areas where there is pain, tension and swelling. It releases spasm and removes toxins from the area.
- Moxibustion
Application of heat to a specific area of the body for the purpose of treating imbalance and disharmony. It enhances the acupuncture treatment by increasing the qi in the area. This is done by burning an aromatic herb over the acupuncture points.
Chinese massage techniques along acupuncture points and meridians to enhance the flow of qi.
An ancient Chinese system of movement, breathing techniques, and meditation, which builds and improves the circulation of qi in and around the body.
Foods with specific energetic properties are recommended to balance out a person’s energetic disharmony. For example, a person with excess cold symptoms may be prescribed foods that have warming energy.
Specific Chinese herbal formulations are used to energetically harmonize a person’s constitution. These formulas are custom blended as a tea, capsule or tincture for an individual. Yin/Yang and the 5-element theory are used to evaluate and determine the proper the formula.
Chakras are the 7 energy centers associated with different physical, emotional and spiritual states. Balancing may be done with acupuncture, essential oils and manual therapies to create proper flow and alignment throughout the body.