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Menopause: Empowering the Midlife Transition



Empowering the Midlife Transition

as a Transformation of Body, Mind and Spirit


Webinar with Dr. Gabrielle Francis

For Energique




Menopause: Empowering the Midlife Transition as a Transformation of Body, Mind and Spirit.


Dr. Gabrielle Francis, also known as The Herban Alchemist, shares her unique approach to Peri-Menopause and Menopause with Energique Practitioners. In this Webinar, Dr. Francis explains the Symphony of Female Hormones and how they change as women enter into their 40's, 50's and Beyond. She shares the perspective that Menopause is an Archetypal Transformation from the Mother to the Queen to the Wise Woman. In this presentation, Dr. Francis shows how the Biology and Hormones affect women Emotionally and Spiritually. Instead of seeing this phase of life as a Crisis it becomes a Transformation to look forward too. For Information about Energique Products:


