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Leaky Gut Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Leaky Gut Syndrome



You have heard of it…How do you know if you have it?


As more Americans are affected by poor diet choices, chronic stress, toxic overload, and bacterial imbalance, it appears that the prevalence of leaky gut is potentially reaching epidemic proportions. The medical profession is just now agreeing this condition even exists, which is especially shocking considering that “intestinal permeability” (another name for leaky gut) has been discussed in the medical literature for over 100 years!   In recent years, leaky gut has been called a “danger signal for autoimmune diseases.



What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?


“All disease begins in the gut.”





For over three decades, study after study has been published (several thousand articles exist to date) discussing our growing understanding of immunity, gut function, and how modern diets and lifestyles negatively contribute to overall health by damaging the digestive system.  The term to describe this is Leaky Gut Syndrome. In the medical literature, leaky gut is also referred to as “Intestinal Hyperpermeability.”



The Gut/Immune Connection


First, I’ll explain a bit about the one of body’s first lines of Defense, The Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue, or the Mucosal Associated Lymphatic Tissue.   Let’s call this the GALT/MALT for short.

The GALT is the mucous membrane that lines the inside passages of our body.   Much like the skin (the largest organ in the body), the GALT is let’s say our “inside skin”.   I like to call it our “Border Wall”, determining what goes into our bloodstream and what stays out.    This mucous membrane lining is in our nose, sinuses, lungs, respiratory passages, mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, bladder, urinary tract, and vaginal lining.

Wow!  All that? Yes, it lines all inside passages of our body.


It is made of several layers:


  1. The Epithelial Cell Layer

  2. The Mucosal Tissue Layer

  3. The Antibody Layer: (which we primarily acquire from being breast fed by our mothers)

  4. The Probiotic Layer: (which we acquire as we pass through our mother’s vaginal tract at birth.)


This complex Border wall is one of main lines of defense and immunity.   When we eat, the nutrients are broken down by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine.    Then they pass through small openings in the GALT where they arrive in the blood and are transported to other areas of the body.    The bad guys like Viruses, Bacteria, Undigested Foods, Allergens, Environmental Toxins, and much more are not allowed to pass through.  That is assuming the GALT is intact.



What Causes Leaky Gut?


Unfortunately, many of us, (including me) have a compromised GALT known as “Leaky Gut Syndrome”. This is a breakdown in the GALT integrity and a weakening of the Border wall.   

There are numerous things that cause “Leaky Gut”.  Below is list of some of them.


Things That Cause Leaky Gut:


1 Medications such as: Antibiotics, Steroids, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS), Birth Control Pills, Chemotherapy Drugs, Stimulants, Anti-Depressants, and many more


2, Stress (UGH!)


3,Infections such as Candida, Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses


4.Foods such as: Sugar, Wheat, Hydrogenated Fats, Food Additives, Cow’s Milk GMOs


5.Party Drugs, Alcohol, Coffee (Dr. G’s Weakness), Tea


6.Environmental Toxins: pesticides, petroleum, plastic, chlorine, fluoride, other chemicals in the environment.


7.Genetic Predisposition


8.Imbalance of Microbiome


And there are more… In other words, MODERN LIFE!



What Happens if my Gut is Leaky?


When the GALT is broken down or “Leaky”, we are not absorbing our nutrients very well.  And the Microbes and Toxins that are not supposed to get into our bloodstream start to sneak across.    This can lead to disruptions all along the border wall.   


Leaky Gut Affects Every System it is Associated with:


Respiratory:  colds, flus, allergy, sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis

Digestive:  IBS, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, food intolerances, heartburn, reflux, GERD, ulcers, Chron’s, Colitis, Celiac

Urinary Tract:  UTI, Cystitis, Incontinence, Kidney Infections

Vaginal Tract:  Yeast and Bacterial Infections, Herpes, HPV, Vaginal Atrophy, Dryness

Skin: acne, eczema, psoriasis, dryness, aging skin, allergies

Immune:  Frequent infection and immune issues, Autoimmune diseases


So, as you can see, the health of the GALT is essential to good health.   It is the foundation for all good things entering and for the health of our Immune System.   It is the Border Wall which is going to determine who gets in and who stays out.



What are the symptoms of leaky gut?   


Some of the most prominent signs you may have this condition include:


  • Gastric ulcers

  • Joint pain

  • Infectious diarrhea

  • IBS

  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis)

  • SIBO

  • Celiac disease

  • Esophageal and colorectal cancer

  • Allergies

  • Food Sensitivities

  • Respiratory infections

  • Acute inflammation conditions

  • Chronic inflammatory conditions (such as arthritis)

  • Thyroid disorders

  • Obesity-related metabolic diseases (fatty liver, type II diabetes, heart disease)

  • Autoimmune diseases (such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, Hashimoto’s and more)

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Parasites and Candida Infections

  • Weight Gain

Intestinal Rejuvenation Smoothie to help heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

Treatment for Leaky Gut Syndrome


How to Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome



Don’t Panic.  It sounds scary and overwhelming.  But “Leaky Gut Syndrome” can be resolved with a combination of Healthy Diet, Lifestyle, and Nutritional Supplements.  The importance of Gut Health as the Foundation of Wellbeing is well established.   Because of this, many supplements and powders are specifically designed to regenerate the Gut Lining.


The Basic Steps:  4 R Program:


  1. Remove:  Toxins, allergens, medications, and foods that damage the gut. 
  2. Replace: Enzymes and Nutrients necessary for healthy digestion and balance
  3. Re-Inoculate: with probiotics and prebiotic fiber to enhance the microbiome. 
  4. Repair:  the gut lining and mucosa with nutrients that rebuild each layer.



How to Repair Leaky Gut and Repair the GALT:


The Intestinal Rejuvenation Smoothie 

does just that and more.


I will list how the Intestinal Rejuvenation Smoothie Ingredients help the GALT and I will also give you some foods that can also help in case the Smoothie Bundle is not in your Budget right now.


The Epithelial Layer is fed by Glutamine, NAC, and Glucosamine.   All of these are in the Gut Revive Powder.   

FOODS:  White Rice, Bone Broth, Bouillon



The Mucosal Layer is fed by Mucilaginous Herbs such as Aloe, Licorice, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm, Okra.   This is all in the Gut Revive Powder.   

FOODS:  Okra, Aloe, Licorice, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds



The Antibody Layer is fed by Protein and Immunoglobins.  Inflamma-Pro and IgG Immune repair the antibody layer.

FOODS:  Whey Protein, Sheep and Goat Yogurt or Kefir, All sheep and goat dairy



The Probiotic Layer is fed by Probiotics.  Probiotic Plus provides Probiotics and Fiber Complete provides Pre-Biotics.

FOODS:  Yogurt, Kefir, Kimchi, Miso, or Fermented Soy.



Green/Red foods

Organic Superfood mixes that have Green Foods rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and Chlorophyll for detoxing.   Red Foods are rich in berries and Red Superfoods as well as red, orange, and yellow veggies which provide the immune system with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and many antioxidants and free radical fighters.   Rainbow Greens provides both red and green vegies, fruits, and superfoods.



Omega Oils:

Cod Liver Oil is especially high in the rich anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fats, Vitamin A and Vitamin D.

Flax Oil (For vegetarians)






(Vanilla Chai and Strawberry)



The Intestinal Rejuvenation Elixir Smoothie is a “Super Food” Smoothie that supports healthy Gastro-Intestinal function and repair. The smoothie is designed as a meal replacement for breakfast. It should accompany the RxStar Detox Diet guidelines for best results.


Ingredients: (included with the bundle)

  • iNFLAMMA-Pro 1 scoop
  • Gut REVIVE 1 scoop.
  • PROBIOTIC Plus ½ packet
  • Rainbow GREENS 1 scoop
  • FIBER Complete 1 scoop
  • FLAX Oil 1 TB


Optional Super Food Boosters: (add 1-2 for extra goodness)

  • Superfood + Berries 1 tsp
  • IgG IMMUNE 1 scoop
  • Turmeric 1 tsp
  • Coconut Oil 1 TB
  • Spices: Turmeric and Ginger ½ tsp



  • Mix the above ingredients into 12-16 oz. of purified water.
  • You may add 1⁄2 cup of frozen organic berries, papaya, or pineapple.
  • Optional: You may add 1⁄2 cup of yogurt, rice milk, almond milk, or soy milk.
  • Spices: Turmeric or Ginger



The Intestinal Rejuvenation Smoothie works best when accompanied by the 

RxStar Remedy Detox Diet.









Restoring Health to the Gut/Immune lining by repairing Leaky Gut is the Foundation of good health!
Once the Foundation is strong and intact, your next phase of Building and Balancing



for Leaky Gut Repair


Intestinal Rejuvenation Smoothie to Repair Leaky Gut Syndrome
